Source code for pymodeler.model

#!/usr/bin/env python
A Model object is just a container for a set of Parameter.
Implements __getattr__ and __setattr__.

The model has a set of default parameters stored in Model._params. 
Careful, if these are changed, they will be changed for all 
subsequent instances of the Model.

The parameters for a given instance of a model are stored in the
Model.params attribute. This attribute is a deepcopy of
Model._params created during instantiation.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import copy
from collections import OrderedDict as odict

import numpy as np
import yaml

from pymodeler.parameter import Derived, Parameter

def _indent(string, width=0):
    """ Helper function to indent lines in printouts
    return '{0:>{1}}{2}'.format('', width, string)

[docs]class Model(object): """A base class to manage Parameters and Properties Users should define Model sub-classes and override the _params and _mapping static data members to define the parameters and mappings they want. Examples:: class ModelExample: # Define the parameters for this class _params = odict([('fuel_rate',Property(default=10.,dtype=float,units="km/l")), ('fuel_type',Property(default="diesel",dtype=str)), ('distance',Parameter(default=10.,units="km")), ('fuel_needed',Derived(units="l"))]) # Define mappings for this class _mapping = odict([("dist","distance"), ("rate","fuel_rate")]) # Define the loader function for the fuel_needed Derived property def _fuel_needed(self): return self.distance / self.fuel_rate Construction: Default, all Properties take their default values: m = ModelExample() Setting Properties: m = ModelExample(fuel_rate=7, distance=12.) Setting Properties using the Mapping: m = ModelExample(rate=7, dist=12.) Setting Paramter errors / bounds: m = ModelExample(distance = dict(value=12,errors=[1.,1.],bounds=[7.,15.])) Access to properties: Get the value of a Property, Parameter or Derived Parameter: m.fuel_rate m.distance m.fuel_neded m.dist # Uses the mapping Get access to a Property, e.g.,to know something about it besides the value, note that this can also be used to modify the attributes of the properties: m.getp('fuel_rate').dtype m.getp('distance').errors Get acess to only the Parameter type properties m.get_params() # Get all of the Parameters m.get_params(paramNames) # Get a subset of the Parameters, by name Setting Properties or Paramaters: Set the value of a Property or Parameter: m.fuel_rate = 8. m.fuel_rate = "xx" # This will throw a TypeError m.fuel_type = "gasoline" m.distance = 10. m.dist = 10. # Uses the mapping Set the attributes of a Property: m.setp('fuel_rate',value=7.) # equivalent to m.fuel_rate = 7. m.setp('fuel_rate',value="xx") # This will throw a TypeError m.setp('distance',value=12,errors=[1.,1.],bounds=[7.,15.]) Set all the Properties using a dictionary or mapping m.set_attributes(``**kwargs``) Clear all of the Derived properties (to force recomputation) m.clear_derived() Output: Convert to an ~collections.OrderedDict m.todict() Convert to a yaml string: m.dump() Access the values of all the Parameter objects: m.param_values() # Get all the parameter values m.param_values(paramNames) # Get a subset of the parameter values, by name Access the errors of all the Parameter objects: m.param_errors() # Get all the parameter values m.param_errors(paramNames) # Get a subset of the parameter values, by name """ # `_params` is a tuple of Property objects # _params = (('parameter name',Property(...)),...) _params = odict([]) # `_mapping` is an alternative name mapping # for the parameters in _params _mapping = odict([]) def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ C'tor. Build from a set of keyword arguments. """ self.params = self.defaults self._init_properties() self.set_attributes(**kwargs) # In case no properties were set, cache anyway self._cache() def __getattr__(self, name): """ Access operator, i.e., x = """ # Return 'getp' of parameter if name in self._params or name in self._mapping: return self.getp(name).value # Raises AttributeError return object.__getattribute__(self, name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Assignement operator, i.e., = x """ # Call 'setp' on parameters if name in self._params or name in self._mapping: self.setp(name, value=value) else: object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def __str__(self, indent=0): """ Cast model as a formatted string """ try: ret = '{0:>{2}}{1}'.format('',, indent) except AttributeError: ret = "%s" % (type(self)) if not self.params: pass else: ret += '\n{0:>{2}}{1}'.format('', 'Parameters:', indent + 2) width = len(max(self.params.keys(), key=len)) for name, value in self.params.items(): par = '{0!s:{width}} : {1!r}'.format(name, value, width=width) ret += '\n{0:>{2}}{1}'.format('', par, indent + 4) return ret @property def defaults(self): """Ordered dictionary of default parameters.""" # Deep copy is necessary so that default parameters remain unchanged return copy.deepcopy(self._params) @property def mappings(self): """Ordered dictionary of mapping of names. This can be used to assign multiple names to a single parameter """ return copy.deepcopy(self._mapping) #@property # def name(self): # return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def getp(self, name): """ Get the named `Property`. Parameters ---------- name : str The property name. Returns ------- param : `Property` The parameter object. """ name = self._mapping.get(name, name) return self.params[name]
[docs] def setp(self, name, clear_derived=True, value=None, bounds=None, free=None, errors=None): """ Set the value (and bounds) of the named parameter. Parameters ---------- name : str The parameter name. clear_derived : bool Flag to clear derived objects in this model value: The value of the parameter, if None, it is not changed bounds: tuple or None The bounds on the parameter, if None, they are not set free : bool or None Flag to say if parameter is fixed or free in fitting, if None, it is not changed errors : tuple or None Uncertainties on the parameter, if None, they are not changed """ name = self._mapping.get(name, name) try: self.params[name].set( value=value, bounds=bounds, free=free, errors=errors) except TypeError as msg: print(msg, name) if clear_derived: self.clear_derived() self._cache(name)
[docs] def set_attributes(self, **kwargs): """ Set a group of attributes (parameters and members). Calls `setp` directly, so kwargs can include more than just the parameter value (e.g., bounds, free, etc.). """ self.clear_derived() kwargs = dict(kwargs) for name, value in kwargs.items(): # Raise AttributeError if param not found try: self.__getattr__(name) except AttributeError: try: self.getp(name) except KeyError: print ("Warning: %s does not have attribute %s" % (type(self), name)) # Set attributes try: self.setp(name, clear_derived=False, **value) except TypeError: try: self.setp(name, clear_derived=False, *value) except (TypeError, KeyError): try: self.setp(name, clear_derived=False, value=value) except (TypeError, KeyError): self.__setattr__(name, value) # pop this attribued off the list of missing properties self._missing.pop(name, None) # Check to make sure we got all the required properties if self._missing: raise ValueError( "One or more required properties are missing ", self._missing.keys())
def _init_properties(self): """ Loop through the list of Properties, extract the derived and required properties and do the appropriate book-keeping """ self._missing = {} for k, p in self.params.items(): if p.required: self._missing[k] = p if isinstance(p, Derived): if p.loader is None: # Default to using _<param_name> p.loader = self.__getattribute__("_%s" % k) elif isinstance(p.loader, str): p.loader = self.__getattribute__(p.loader)
[docs] def get_params(self, pnames=None): """ Return a list of Parameter objects Parameters ---------- pname : list or None If a list get the Parameter objects with those names If none, get all the Parameter objects Returns ------- params : list list of Parameters """ l = [] if pnames is None: pnames = self.params.keys() for pname in pnames: p = self.params[pname] if isinstance(p, Parameter): l.append(p) return l
[docs] def param_values(self, pnames=None): """ Return an array with the parameter values Parameters ---------- pname : list or None If a list, get the values of the `Parameter` objects with those names If none, get all values of all the `Parameter` objects Returns ------- values : `np.array` Parameter values """ l = self.get_params(pnames) v = [p.value for p in l] return np.array(v)
[docs] def param_errors(self, pnames=None): """ Return an array with the parameter errors Parameters ---------- pname : list of string or none If a list of strings, get the Parameter objects with those names If none, get all the Parameter objects Returns ------- ~numpy.array of parameter errors Note that this is a N x 2 array. """ l = self.get_params(pnames) v = [p.errors for p in l] return np.array(v)
[docs] def clear_derived(self): """ Reset the value of all Derived properties to None This is called by setp (and by extension __setattr__) """ for p in self.params.values(): if isinstance(p, Derived): p.clear_value()
[docs] def todict(self): """ Return self cast as an '~collections.OrderedDict' object """ ret = odict(name=self.__class__.__name__) ret.update(self.params) return ret
[docs] def dump(self): """ Dump this object as a yaml string """ return yaml.dump(self.todict())
def _cache(self, name=None): """ Method called in _setp to cache any computationally intensive properties after updating the parameters. Parameters ---------- name : string The parameter name. Returns ------- None """ pass
if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse description = "python script" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument('args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) opts = parser.parse_args() args = opts.args